Human Body Parts Name in Hindi and English

Human Body Parts Name in English and Hindi by Swajms English Speaking Classes
Human internal Body Parts Name in English and Hindi by Swajms English Speaking Classes
Human Body Part Hair Name in English and Hindi by Swajms English Speaking Classes

Hair - हेअ(र्‌) - बाल, केश

  • Noun: hair; noun: a hair; plural noun: hairs
  • The mass of long thin strands that grow on the head and body of people and animals; one such strand
  • बाल, केश
  • having the type of hair mentioned
    निर्दिष्ट प्रकार के बालों वाला
  • a dark-haired woman
  • a very thin thread-like structure that grows on the surface of some plants. कुछ पौधों पर उगने वाले रोएँ

Example of word hair in sentences

  1. Dinesh’s losing his hair [going bald].
  2. The dog left hairs all over the furniture.
  3. He has got short black hair.
  4. Her hair is gray.
  5. Reena has got big white hair.
Human Body Part Eyes Name in English and Hindi by Swajms English Speaking Classes

Eye - आइ - आँख, नेत्र

  • Plural noun: eyes
  • One of the two organs of your body that you use to see with
  • आँख, नेत्र
  • The ability to see something
  • देखने की शक्ति
  • Verb: 3rd person present: eyes
  • To look at somebody/something closely
    किसी को सूक्ष्‍मता से देखना
  • She eyed him with suspicion.

Example of word eye in sentences

  1. She opened her eyes.
  2. She closed her eyes.
  3. He opened his eyes.
  4. Rahul closed his eyes.
  5. He’s got blue eyes.
  6. Radha has black eyes.
  7. He has sharp eyes [he can see very well].
  8. She has an eye for detail [she notices small details].
Human Body Part Mouth Name in English and Hindi by Swajms English Speaking Classes

Mouth - माउथ़्‌ - मुख, मुँह

  • Noun: mouth; plural noun: mouths
  • The part of your face that you use for eating and speaking
  • मुख, मुँह
  • having a particular type of mouth or a particular way of speaking
    विशेष प्रकार के मुख या बोलने के ढंग वाला
  • Verb: mouth; past tense: mouthed; past participle: mouthed; 3rd person present: mouths; gerund or present participle: mouthing
  • To move your mouth as if you were speaking but without making any sound
    वक्ता का ओंठों को ऐसे चलाना या हिलाना कि लगे वह कुछ कह रहा है (परंतु बिना आवाज़ किए)

Example of word mouth in sentences

  • Vinay was outside the window, mouthing something to us.